Logan won the challenge.
And Katie used threats,
and flirts
to get enough votes to take out Tim only to show power.
Tim was blindsided by Logan who was in his alliance since the beginning, and Tim went home.
Now only 5 sims remain: Neonina Colourful by jps0228, Keindra Hickman by mangakagirl, Katie Hart by pococdez, Logan McAllister by trancerrocker08 and Thorton Wheeler by ncisGibbs02. One of them will be the winner of Sim Survivor Season 2, but who?
Rhyossisibi Night 23:
Thorton: "Well what was that all about?"
Logan: "No Thorton, you are safe, Katie said shed vote for Neonina next!"
Thorton: "Shes lying! Just to make you feel safe! Shes lying and now were outnumbered!"
Thorton: "I cant believe he did that. He kept me in the dark about voting off Tim, what am i chopped liver?...Well funny story I was the role of chopped liver for my first production in 5th grade. It was a musical commercial for dogfood, nothin fancy."
Logan: "He has a good point but its too late to bsave Tim. i just have to trust Katie and hope I win the challenge."
to get enough votes to take out Tim only to show power.
Tim was blindsided by Logan who was in his alliance since the beginning, and Tim went home.
Now only 5 sims remain: Neonina Colourful by jps0228, Keindra Hickman by mangakagirl, Katie Hart by pococdez, Logan McAllister by trancerrocker08 and Thorton Wheeler by ncisGibbs02. One of them will be the winner of Sim Survivor Season 2, but who?
Rhyossisibi Night 23:
Thorton: "Well what was that all about?"
Thorton: "What? Had to vote Tim, no I dont think so, you only had to because your girlfriend Katie told you."
Logan: "Im sorry, I didnt think."
Thorton: "Thats right you didnt think an dnow Im gonna be the one who pays for it, because if you in the next challenge I'll be the next one going home, right?"
Logan: "No Thorton, you are safe, Katie said shed vote for Neonina next!"
Thorton: "Shes lying! Just to make you feel safe! Shes lying and now were outnumbered!"
Thorton: "I cant believe he did that. He kept me in the dark about voting off Tim, what am i chopped liver?...Well funny story I was the role of chopped liver for my first production in 5th grade. It was a musical commercial for dogfood, nothin fancy."
Logan: "He has a good point but its too late to bsave Tim. i just have to trust Katie and hope I win the challenge."
Day 24:
Katie: "Yeah Im just fishing....No, I am trying to build my skills so when that final skills challenge comes along I will be prepared."
Keindra: "This is my sinister look! You guys like it? You've probably seen it alot, but now im giving Katie my sinister look. Look at her, shes trying to increase her skills becase she thinks she'll make it to the end now doesnt she?"
Okay sims the first chairs are the jury benches at tribal council, Go!"
Thorton and Keindra take the lead.
In this challenge, Sims will race around the island in the game of island chairs. At each endpoint there will be one less chair than the # of sims competeing. If a sim doesnt get a seat to sit in then they are out. Its like musical chairs, however, if you know your way around the island, this game could be an easy win for you.
Okay sims the first chairs are the jury benches at tribal council, Go!"
Thorton and Keindra take the lead.
And Neonina falls way behind.
Logan and Katie aren't too far behind Keindra and Thorton.
Neonina is WAY behind, can she catch up?
Thorton and Logan pass Keindra.
Keindra waits until Neonina catches up, she doesnt want Neonina to finish alone.
Logan: "Hurry up Thorton before Neonina takes your spot!"
but Thorton even lets Neonina take his spot, he is out.
Thortons thoughts: I know it was something crazy for me to do. To just give up on a challenge this close to the end of the game. But I did it because I felt wrong. I didnt want to sit on the jury bench because I wasnt voted out. It just wouldve felt too weird, so I didnt sit down.
Now the four left have to race to Point Pleasent but they must be quick becuase there is only 3 chairs, GO!
Now the four left have to race to Point Pleasent but they must be quick becuase there is only 3 chairs, GO!
Kaiendra and Katie head off in one direction.
Meanwhile Logan and Neonina go in another.
Kaite is in the lead. Shortly followed by Keindra.
Katie and Keindra are the first to sit in chairs. Who will get here first, Logan or Neonina?
Kiendra and Katies route proves to be faster, they have a lead on Logan and Neonina.
Kaite is in the lead. Shortly followed by Keindra.
Katie and Keindra are the first to sit in chairs. Who will get here first, Logan or Neonina?
whispers "Win Katie!"
The next chairs are in Treetop Tower, but be quick, there are only 2 chairs.
whispers "Win Katie!"
The next chairs are in Treetop Tower, but be quick, there are only 2 chairs.
Logan and Keindra take the lead.
Katie is far behind.
Katie is far behind.
Katie: "Its a good thing I spent alot of time on this island and I now a faster root to the treehouse than the one they're taking!"
Keindra: "Hey Logan, you dont need to go so fast I think Katie gave up, I havent seen her in awhile, but she never passed us!"
Katie: "Hi Logan!"
Katie: "I miss being up here, its been awhile hasnt it? Well arent you gonna stop staring and sit down before Keindra gets here?"
Katie: "I miss being up here, its been awhile hasnt it? Well arent you gonna stop staring and sit down before Keindra gets here?"
Keindra: "NOOOOOO!"
Now the first person to start a fire at tribal council wins this challenge and is safe from elimination.
Katie: "Logan, you have to let me win!"
Katie: "Logan, you have to let me win!"
Logan: "..."
Logans thoughts: Now she has just voted out Tim, maybe I should listen to Thorton. I dont want him to think I have betrayed him, Im gonna win.
Once again, the first person to staret a fire at tribal council wins, GO!
Katie: "Logan, what are you doing?"
Logan: "Winning!"
Once again, the first person to staret a fire at tribal council wins, GO!
Katie: "Logan please! You gotta let me win!"
Katie: "Logan, what are you doing?"
Logan: "Winning!"
Logan: "... Too late now, I won!"
Logan: "But Im a goood looking, selfish yeah!"
Logan: "It feels pretty good!"
Katie: "Well,
I guess you winning isnt so bad, we can work this to our advantage..."
Rhossisbi Night 24:
I guess you winning isnt so bad, we can work this to our advantage..."
Rhossisbi Night 24:
Thorton: "Hi Katie"
Katie: "Well this is a surprise. I dont think we've really talked, have we Thorton?"
Katie: "Well this is a surprise. I dont think we've really talked, have we Thorton?"
Thorton: "Well no. But last time Logan won a challenge you convinced him to vote out his friend Tim... I was wondering now that Logan won another challenge if you'll convince him to vote out his friend, me.."
Katie: "... Well it is something to consider. You are very close to him and I donmt want you to take my place in the finals, but I am going to honestly tell you that I do not want to vote you out tonight. I have someone else in mind."
Thorton: "Thats cool."
Thortons thoughts: This girl is a total b*tch. I wonder if I can convince Logan to vote this girl out.
Neonina: "Well tonight Logan won. Looks like we'll have to keep him around alittle longer. Guess we'll be voting out his friend Thorton."
Rhyossisbi Day 25:
Rhyossisbi Day 25:
Keindra: "So Logan, whats up? Good. I was just wondering who you might be voting for tonight."
Logan: "I was... I was thinking about it and I want to vote out Katie. She is a very str-"
Keindra: "YES!!... Yes, she is smart and strong, so vote her out!"
Keindra: "Obviously, it would be best for you to vote her out, she is your biggest threat, after her Id consider who you go to the end with."
Logan: "Really? Why would you say that?"
Keindra: "Well I definatly wouldnt want to go to the end with Thorton. He's played a great game. He made it this far without stepping on anyones toes. I'd pick Neonina, shes messed so many people on the jury up. There's no way she'll win!"
Logan: "Oh, I was wondering why you seem so attached to her. Well, thanks for the advice Keindra, I have some stradegy re-thinking to do."
Logan: "No, sorry Keindra. She does make good points. However, I would rather take someone to the end who I think dserves it, Neonina doesnt desrve it, and Thorton does."
Keindra: "I think he bought it. He is hard to read. Why does it seem like the guys here are so easy to manipulate? i dont even care that I gave him advice, I will vote him off as soon as he looses a challenge. I sense smooth sailing from here to the finale."
Katie: "REALLY? What she say?"
Loagn: "Well she must be worried because she asked me who I was voting for."
Loagn: "Well she must be worried because she asked me who I was voting for."
Katie: "And you said?"
Logan: "Well naturally I lied and said I was voting for you."
Katie: "Well that was good thinking on your part."
Logan: "Ugh, I can see why you dont like her, shes terrible! I had to fabricate this whole story!"
Katie: "Well you know she only asked you because she knows Thorton will listen to you."
Katie: "Wait why are you actually voting for me?"
Logan: "Just so it doesnt look like I am aligned with you. I want to look as surprised as everyone else."
Logan is trying to save himself by voting for me. He wants Keindra and Thorton to think that he is with them. Hes being sneaky and he doesnt think I know... Well Logan dont start playing sneaky around me."
Keindra: "And then its you and me in the finals baby!"
Neonina: "Oh im so excited! I can almost smell the million dollars!"
Keindra: "Yeah im kinda excited to get rid of Katie, shes brought alot of chaos since the merge, I really dont know what happend to her. I think shes jealous of you."
Neonina: "Well its been an honor playing with somoen of your superiority!"
Neonina: "Well its been an honor playing with somoen of your superiority!"
Logan: "Its not gonna be!"
Thorton: "Yeah well, thats what you told Tim just afew days ago."
Thorton: "Well, what about Katie?"
Logan: "About her, shes been getting to comfortable with me, and I spoke to Keindra, I think tonight we take her out and even up the game."
Thorton: "Sounds good!"
Thorton: "I just have to trust Logan. I wonder why hes so quick to vote out his little friend Katie. I wonder why he's jumping ship. Speaking of jumping ships, did I tell you guyss the good news?! The producers had to let me take a call from my manager who just got me a part in the next 'Pirates of the Carribean' movie! Now its such a major motion picture! I will be a only a small role, I dont have much info yet but I am really excited!"
Katie: "Hey listen, I think its gonna be me tonight. Let me just give you some honest advice. Keindra and I were best friends at the beginning of this game. But she gets in your head, and she makes you go crazy. I mean you must think Im insane, but im really not, Keindra just makes me look crazy."
Neonina: "Katie has such a good story. I feel really bad for her but in this game you cant have feelings, Im still gonna vote her out... but she does make me want to reconsider my relationship with Keindra."
Neonina: "Well, thanks Katie, but Im not gonna let her into my head. Mint couldnt break me and neither can she."
Neonina: "Katie has such a good story. I feel really bad for her but in this game you cant have feelings, Im still gonna vote her out... but she does make me want to reconsider my relationship with Keindra."
Katie: "I know im not going home but daym, I needed to mess someone up. She is going to be so confused when shes walking out of here."
Thorton: "Hey Neonina, listen I just want ti know if you and your girls are gonna vote for me tonight... Im really nervous!"
Neonina: "its funny all the attention that I'm getting today. People must be really worried. Well I guess they should be were getting close to the end!"
Thorton: "Neonina is not so bad, I wonder why she was on the outs with Rhyvella?"
Katie: "She told me If it comes down to it, she'll take Logan over you. Im telling you, she was so quick to get rid of me, she can still do the same to you!"
Neonina: "HAHa, guess what Katie just said. She said, youd rather take Logan then me to the finals!"
Neonina: "No Thorton, No! Tonight I think the plans are to get rid of Katie. But if you want to win you better step up your game. i men, why did you quit in the challenge today?"
Thorton: "It was very metaphorical..."
Neonina: "its funny all the attention that I'm getting today. People must be really worried. Well I guess they should be were getting close to the end!"
Thorton: "Neonina is not so bad, I wonder why she was on the outs with Rhyvella?"
Keindra: "Yeah sounds good, then Logan."
Katie: "But what if Logan wins? Then what? One of us will have to turn on the rest."
Keindra: "Then we just gotta make sure he doesnt win!"
Keindra: "Not necessesarily..."
Katie: "She told me If it comes down to it, she'll take Logan over you. Im telling you, she was so quick to get rid of me, she can still do the same to you!"
Neonina: "HAHa, guess what Katie just said. She said, youd rather take Logan then me to the finals!"
Neonina: "Yeah im excited to get her out and step up the game!"
Keindra: "Im more excited to see her face at tribal council. Ha! You know she wont see it comming!"
Keindra: "I am very excited to be plaing this game with Neonina, she is a very strong girl, we both are! IT will be a battle of the bests... But I am the best, I will win!"
Neonina: "Keindra is pretty cool. I hope Katie wasnt really serious. I dont know, I cant really trust her, its a good thing I wont have to spend much time with her anymore!"
Tribal Council
Tribal Council
Izzy Love,
Mint Choco-Chip,
and Tim Bayne who was voted out at the last tribal council.
Neonina, Keindra, Thorton,
and even Logan vote for Katie.
But Katie votes for Neonina. And before the votes are read aloud she pulls out her idol.
Katie: "Wait, before the votes are read, can I play this idol?"
This is infact a real idol. All the votes that are cast for Katie will not count.
The votes are 4 Katie to 1 Neonina. Katies votes do not count. With 1 vote, Neonina is voted out of the game.
Neoninas thoughts: I played so well, I couldve very well've made it to the end with Keindra. Keindras gonna be pissed. I am proud to say that I am the last Rhyvella left in the game. I am proud of the way I played the game. No regrets, goodbye for now!
Katie: "Wait, before the votes are read, can I play this idol?"
This is infact a real idol. All the votes that are cast for Katie will not count.
The votes are 4 Katie to 1 Neonina. Katies votes do not count. With 1 vote, Neonina is voted out of the game.
Katie: "Bye Neonina..."
Neoninas thoughts: I played so well, I couldve very well've made it to the end with Keindra. Keindras gonna be pissed. I am proud to say that I am the last Rhyvella left in the game. I am proud of the way I played the game. No regrets, goodbye for now!
4 Sims are left! Katie Hart, Keindra Hickman, Logan McAllister and Thorton Wheeler. Of them, one will be a winner! But only one can win. 3 more tribal councils, 2 more eliminations, and 1 winner!
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